SECTION | Item or Ref ID | Value or text |
Identification |
TA code | A11.2.00.001 |
Entity ID number | THA:3543 |
FMA identifier | FMA:62033 |
Type of entity | Material entity |
Language |
TA98 Latin preferred term | glandula pinealis |
TA98 Latin official synonym | corpus pineale |
TA98 English equivalent | pineal gland |
TA98 English synonym | pineal body |
Notes |
TA98 correction note | The two entries for this entity were made identical by using corpus pineale and pineal body as Latin and English official synonyms in both entries. |
TA98 footnote | Glandula pinealis This is known under many different names, e.g. epiphysis cerebri, corpus pineale, organum pineale, glandula pinealis, conarium, commonly used English terms being pineal gland, pineal body, or simply pineal. The term glandula pinealis is preferred, because the endocrine function of the pineal gland has been established beyond any doubt. |
TA98 Hierarchy |
A01.0.00.000 |
A11.0.00.000 |
A11.2.00.001 |
glandula pinealis
FMA Taxonomy |
FMA:62955 |
anatomical entity
FMA:61775 |
physical anatomical entity
FMA:67165 |
material anatomical entity
FMA:67135 |
anatomical structure
FMA:82472 |
cardinal organ part
FMA:14065 |
organ component
FMA:7146 |
organ component gland
FMA:62033 |
pineal body
Date: 29.01.2013 |